Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Conspiracy Jon 3 - '420' Special Conversations with Cornelius
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Check out Conversations with Cornelius Padcast on Podbean - Conversations with Cornelius💭 (podbean.com)
Also on Spotify, iTunes and Google Podcasts.
What's up players... Two episodes in a week?!? Are you mad? I hear you say... Well no, I'm not completely mad 'padcasters' just a little bit and a little bit of madness is okay as far as me and my imaginary friend Felix are concerned.
Anyway, its 420 in the John Hume War Room and I have two exceptionally interesting and hilarious guests to help me celebrate in smoky style. Sinead Walsh ( Comedian ) & Conspiracy Jon ( Podcaster ) joint me (see what I did there) in one of the most enjoyable afternoons I've spend in quiet some time. We chat about Marijuana its benefits and negatives. Our first experiences and our own philosophies on this often maligned gift from the Gods.
Eventually having settled down a bit, we share our favourite Conspiracy Theories and all three stories are as far out as can be. Racism Murder, Big Business, Jealousy, Aliens and The Gods all feature in this action packed episode. So strap in and enjoy the ride...
Love to all the players,
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Twitter: ComedianConn
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Email: Corneliusthecomic@gmail.com
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Conspiracy Jon 1 - Conversations with Cornelius
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Check out Conversations with Cornelius Padcast on Podbean - Conversations with Cornelius💭 (podbean.com)
Also on Spotify, iTunes and Google Podcasts.
What is up players? In this weeks episode I chat with Conspiracy Jon (aka Shooz from This Irish Life Podcast). We chat about how we forged an unlikely friendship during the last recession that has endured well over a decade. The conversation delves into a business venture that ultimately failed and how our friendship evolved through it all. The episode is filled with laughs yet still manages to find depth and manage to chat about our dependency on each other and the strength in being venerable (Manships). Its a fantastic episode and it zips along at lightening speed. Enjoy!
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Twitter: @ComedianConn
Facebook: Cornelius Patrick O' Sullivan
Instagram: @Corneliusthecomic
Gmail: Corneliusthecomic@gmail.com
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Conspiracy Jon 2 - Conversations with Cornelius
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Monday Mar 22, 2021
Conversations with Cornelius on Podbean - Conversations with Cornelius💭 (podbean.com)
Also available on iTunes and Spotify.
Conversations with Cornelius - In this conversation I chat on a topic that I have been talking to my close friends about for years and years. The Law Of Attraction. My special guest Conspiracy Jon (aka Shooz) and I dissect and discuss it in fine detail. There are plenty of laughs along the way and who knows maybe a nugget of gold to be taken away too.
Thank you for listening.
If you're enjoying these 'padcasts' please Rate Review and Subscribe on iTunes.
You can follow me on D'internet
Instagram @Corneliusthecomic
Twitter @ComedianConn
Facebook @CorneliusPatrickOSullivan
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
This Irish Life 43 - Taking Care of Life Business
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
Tuesday Sep 24, 2019
The boys havin da craic, chatting about what it takes to stay strong and well in life and how we can maintain focus on getting to where we want to be. It’s not easy to be who you want to be in life whether it’s health, fitness, career, study, family or just plain getting by sometimes through the relentless challenges that life throws at us. Taking care of life business is the only way through it. To hell and back, get the t-shirt and pat yourself on the back. We can all do whatever we want in life, just go for it!
The Bollox Alert is holding you back and the Hot Topic will put you on the path to who you want to be.
Please Subscribe, Like and Share if you enjoy it.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instagram - @thisirishlifepc
Enjoy. Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/ Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast Twitter - @thisirishlifepc Instagram - @thisirishlifepc YouTube Channel iTunes #thisirishlife
Tuesday May 28, 2019
This Irish Life 42 - Living in this Crazy World
Tuesday May 28, 2019
Tuesday May 28, 2019
The boys havin da craic, chatting about living in this crazy world and the magic (good and bad) that we cannot see.
The Bollox Alert is keeping us trapped and the Hot Topic will set us free!
Please Subscribe, Like and Share if you enjoy it.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instagram - @thisirishlifepc
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
This Irish Life 41 - Healthy Happy Strong - Searching For Truth
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
The boys havin da craic, chatting about the many different truths that we have found so far to keep the body, mind and soul healthy, happy and strong.
The story of our podcast is the story of us finding out more and more about truth in life. Sometimes health, sometimes history, sometimes spirtituality. Whatever the subject we try to find and test for truth and how that truth can expand us as people and as soulful righteous beings. After forty podcasts we wanted to wrap up a lot of what we have found to be truth about health and happiness - that is what this pocats is all about. With a view to our upcoming talk on 23rd September in the Firkin Crane, Cork, we will be expanding on these topics and talking more about what we can achieve in the near future at a local level to increase good health, happiness and strength at home and with others.
The Bollox Alert is the reason we started this podcast in the first place and the Hot Topic is a lost truth of health and vitality!
Please Subscribe, Like and Share if you enjoy it.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
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Instagram - @thisirishlifepc
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Tuesday May 08, 2018
This Irish Life 40 - Bruno Groening Healer & Prophet of our time 1906-1959
Tuesday May 08, 2018
Tuesday May 08, 2018
The boys havin da craic, chatting about the life and teachings of Bruno Groening, a German-born healer and prophet who performed thousands of miraculous feats of healing from 1949 to 1959.
Bruno Groening is the closest person we have to Jesus when we look at what he did through his actions and teachings. He was a man deeply connected with his inner divine power and he knew how exactly it could be accessed and used to heal body, mind and soul. Through some simple techniques and a little faith in a higher power that some people call God/Jesus/Source/Universe/Krisna/Christ Conciousness etc we call all achieve personal healing, strenth and well being. The stories speak for themselves and the power of his teachings are proven for decades. It was an honour to present this podcast and his message to our listeners.
The Bollox Alert has disconnected us from our divine connection and the Hot Topic will reconnect it!
Please Subscribe, Like and Share if you enjoy it.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
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Instagram - @thisirishlifepc
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
Thursday Apr 05, 2018
The boys havin da craic, chatting with Eoin Crowley about the different ways we can all strengthen and condition our minds, bodies and souls. So many amazing, exciting and inspiring options to choose from delivering real life-improvements.
As we get older, (we are both 35), have children, pay bills, and start running on treadmill of life there are many experiences we encounter along the way that weaken us. Life as we know it and accept it today is pretty toxic and most of the world is diseased in one way or another. That is why it is so vital the we all understand how to strengthen ourselves and becme more bullet-proof in mind, body and soul. This is not a drill. It is time to get training, and get conditioned on mutiple level's before it's too late......
The Bollox Alert is shines a light on amino acids and the Hot Topic is will get your motor going!
Please Subscribe, Like and Share if you enjoy it.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
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Instagram - @thisirishlifepc
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
This Irish Life 38 - Journey of a Cork Wrestler Billy Bedlam
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
Wednesday Mar 28, 2018
The boys havin da craic chatting with Billy Bedlam, Cork's very-own bad guy Pro Wrestler!
WWF (now called WWE) was big when we were kids, now it's even bigger and pro wrestling entertainment is everywhere these days. Irish people young and old, boys and girls, are practicing it as an exension of martial arts, using it as a great way to exercise, keep fit and flexible and of course there is also the acting and theatrics that we all know and love too. In this podcast Billy Bedlam talks about his journey with wrestling in Cork and Ireland and gives his take on how he sees it. We all know that it's scrpited and we all know it's a show but we don't see the hard physical and mental work that goes into it all and the ripple effect it is having on individuals and the community as a whole. Very interesting stuff! Thanks so much for coming on the show Billy, it was a pleasure.
The Bollox Alert is like a venom poisoning everything around you and the Hot Topic is the anti-venom!
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