Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
Wednesday Aug 16, 2017
The boys havin da craic, chatting about some amazing information that may soon change the way we all view our recent history and the way we view of humanity forever. Our special guest is an amazing researcher from Moscow called Philip Druzhinin who has and epic story to tell. Philip is a specialist researcher into the mudflood story, the archaeology related to it. The recent part of the story is that of the war(s) that have occurred and the cataclysms which have been hidden from our eyes as recently as 200 years ago. We then jump into the details and try to piece together to bigger story and the possible alternative history and archaeology that comes to light as a result.
The podcast begins with a look at recent history and how we in fact know very little beyond what we have been told. History is written by the winners of the wars. What would you think if this was a recent war with weather technologies in the early 1800s, giants, old technologies, ancient massive mining operations, mountains of mining waste and mud, mudfloods, Atlantis, cataclysms, fake history and more. Ancient Egypt, pyramids, megaliths, gods and men. Total blow-your-mind conversations. It may not all be true but it is intriguing to discuss and develop the ideas which have some serious evidence right in your own backyard for you to check if it could be true.
The Bollox Alert is as true today as it has always been and the Hot Topic is a blast from the human-past that you certainly won't expect!
This full podcast is also available with video on YouTube.
Please Subscribe, Like and Share if you enjoy it.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instagram - @thisirishlifepc
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
This Irish Life 26 - What To Know About Vegetarian and Vegan
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
Thursday Jun 29, 2017
The boys havin da craic, chatting about how to remove meat from your diet and become healthier than you have ever been before. Shooz and Dug have gone veggie! Yes, no meat (dead animals) is required to live a long happy life. In fact, eating meat is one of the major factors linked to disease, inflammation and many other health problems. Take out the meat and replace it with delicious combinations of beans, sprouts, lentils, legumes, fruits and vegetables and your body will start to function correctly. The boys look at the 'protein, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D3 deficiency' arguments and give their ideas. They also take a personal look at their own journeys to replacing meat, how they came to this decision, how they feel since doing it and also what the plans are for the future.
The Bollox Alert has been ruling this world for centuries and the Hot Topic could be the difference between achieving your dreams and falling short.
This full podcast is also available with video on YouTube.
Please Subscribe, Like and Share if you enjoy it.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instagram - @thisirishlifepc
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
This Irish Life 25 - Bruce Lee Special (Part 1)
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
Thursday Jun 01, 2017
The boys havin da craic, chatting about the legend that is Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee is still one of the most influential characters in our world today even though he has been gone for over 40 years (Born 1940, died 1973). As the inspiration for martial arts, the power of movement, the mixing of martial arts (MMA), exciting fight movies, fighting video games movies - he changed the way the world thought about fighting and self-defence. Also a mighty advocate for strength of mind and the success that comes from the hard work of mastering these life arts. In this podcast we discuss Bruce's early life and some of his achievements. We will do a part 2 in the future because there is so much more to tell......
The Bollox Alert is a dirty one you certainly know only too well already. The Hot Topic is a big big key to having freedom in life and peace of mind in a crazy world. As Bruce said - 'Martial Arts is honestly expressing yourself'. Extend that a step further - Life (as an art) is about honestly expressing yourself. Honestly......
This full podcast is also available with video on YouTube. Unfortunately, because Shooz was in fairyland and not on the ball, there is no sound. We put it up anyway so you can listen to the audio version and watch the YouTube in tandem if you want. They are pretty synced. And you get to see some nature. We did this podcast in a place called Waterloo in Cork. We are sitting by the river on 2 deck chairs on a summers evening. Lovely experience.
Please Like and Share if you enjoy it.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instagram - @thisirishlifepc
Sunday May 21, 2017
Sunday May 21, 2017
The boys havin da craic, chatting about Life Arts. Special guest episode with Irish Mixed Martial Arts double-champion John Mitchell. What are Life Arts? Why we should pursue them. What are the benefits? Shooz, Dug and John all discuss different aspects of their own Life Art journeys and what it means to them. John as special guest has epic experience competing at the highest levels and he gives his ideas on what it takes for him to succeed in the ring against the best in mixed martial arts plus an insight into his former life competing at world championship level in rowing.
The Bollox Alert and Hot Topic both relate to how to succeed in following and mastering any life art. Big thanks to John taking the time to come on and chat with us. A pleasure to have a man so on top of his game on our show. We are looking forward to seeing him go pro and perform on the biggest stages very soon. 5 wins, 0 losses, 0 draws so far. Lightweight champ and welterweight champ belts picked up along the way. The future is bright for this young Cork mixed life artist.
This full podcast is also available with video on YouTube.
Please Like and Share if you enjoy it.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instagram - @thisirishlifepc
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
This Irish Life 23 – The Flooded Starfort Mystery
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
Thursday Apr 20, 2017
The boys havin da craic, chatting about flooded starforts. Everybody knows about the pyramids and megalithic stones scattered all over the world. Everybody knows that archaeologists have been excavating pyramids, megaliths and old city ruins since the 1800s. This is almost totally how both our traditional history and the many popular alternate history scenarios are framed. However, you don’t often come across starforts in either of these histories, you are never told that they are also all over the world in abundance and they too require excavation due to being covered in a deep layer of mud to some extent or another. Nobody is excavating them or even talking about them. Maybe that’s because they were supposedly only built as recently as 400 years ago and we have had no history of a mudflood capable of such devastation within that timeframe……or did we? Shooz and Dug investigate the evidence on site from the starfort of Charlesfort in Kinsale, Co. Cork. There is a very interesting and thought-provoking story to be told amongst these mud-flooded starfort remains, you might just see the world a bit differently afterwards!
The bollox alert this of podcast is possibly the biggest Bollox Alert you've ever heard, there's a simple Hot Topic to be remembered and plenty of banter. This was one epic podcast and an absolute pleasure to record. Whoop whoop.
The sound is a bit up and down for the first 5 minutes but it is pretty solid after that.
This full podcast is also available with video on Youtube - where you can see Shooz and Dug on site walking around, showing a few interesting points to note with the massive starfort structure, some pictures of starforts around the world and some lovely views of the bay - available on YouTube at the link below.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instragram - @thisirishlifepc
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
This Irish Life 22 – Grow Your Own Organic Food
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
Sunday Mar 19, 2017
The boys havin da craic, chatting about the best ways to grow food in your home and garden. In the world of today we have somehow become brainwashed to think that it is okay to eat large amounts of rubbish, processed, dead food that travels half way acrosss the world to our local supermarket and then we buy it and eat it. Most of this food is covered in pesticides, herbicides and who knows what else before it reaches your local store. They are often sprayed with chemicals to preserve them, keep their colour and prevent them rotting too fast. This is madness and so far from our natural state of being. This approach to food makes us sick and keeps us sick. Growing your own food leads to a range of benefits from health to money, to lifestyle and positvity, this is a must-consider for anyone looking to live a better life. Running through the super-importance of soil and what to plant in. How to plant. What to plant. When to plant. The best tips for quick learning. Plus of course a Bollox Alert that may surprise you, a Hot Topic that is curing cancer and plenty of banter….
Also available as a video where you can see Shooz and Dug in the studio - available on YouTube at the link below.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instragram - @thisirishlifepc
Monday Feb 20, 2017
This Irish Life 21 - Cold Shock Therapy: The Ultimate Medicine?
Monday Feb 20, 2017
Monday Feb 20, 2017
The boys havin' da craic, chatting about Cold Shock Therapy. What is it? Ice baths, cold showers, cryo-therapy. Using the cold to treat inflammation, reduce pain, boost immunity, repair muscles, balance body chemistry, oxygenate the cells, flush toxins, improve circulation and in some cases cure disease. We were blown away by the impact of cold treatment, particularly as an anti-inflammatory and for pain relief. Dug chats about his recent ice-baths and how they helped him. Plus we have a Turmeric Hot Topic with great info on how to best use this magical spice for great health and a nasty Bollox Alert that you should probably know about.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instragram - @thisirishlifepc
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
This Irish Life 20 - Bikram/Hot Yoga & the Power of Heat Healing
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
Sunday Jan 29, 2017
The boys havin' da craic, chatting about Bikram Yoga, it's benefits, some scientific findings and how Shooz is getting on since he tried it. Plus some amazing information about the power of heat to heal and balance the body, and some extra cool super-tips to keep the body and mind super-charged, youthful and excited!
We also did a Facebook Live stream for this one available with video on our Facebook page.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instragram - @thisirishlifepc
Wednesday Jan 04, 2017
This Irish Life 19 - 2016 Podcast recap and the story so far
Wednesday Jan 04, 2017
Wednesday Jan 04, 2017
The boys havin' da craic, chatting about how This Irish Life Podcast came to be and the story behind it. Plus a quick recap of podcasts 1-18 as the boys chat about the journey so far, reflecting on the first podcasts up to today and the last few months.
Podcast Main Site - https://thisirishlife.podbean.com/
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instragram - @thisirishlifepc
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
This Irish Life 18 - Christmas Special
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
Thursday Dec 22, 2016
The boys havin' da craic, chatting about Christmas. What is Christmas all about? Behind the gift-giving and the religious/pagan origins of the celebration, what Christmas really means is a chance to catchup with friends and family, live in the moment, relax, de-stress and unwind for a few days. It’s also a time of new beginnings and new goals for the new year ahead. In a light-hearted podcast, the boys chat about what these things mean to them…
Facebook - @thisirishlifepodcast
Twitter - @thisirishlifepc
Instragram - @thisirishlifepc